About me

People use digital tools everyday. Those that are significant provide practical and navigable solutions to their users’ problems. In order for user research and design to have any impact on software development, it must become directly involved with the tools and processes that developers use to build software.

When designers work closely with developers and remain open to feedback, we can work together to make building a usable, consistent, and accessible interface the easiest way to develop new software.

As a designer, I connect user needs with the developer experience.

In the fall of 2014, I studied computer science, software development, and design at AIT-Budapest. I was mentored by the great Ernö Rubik (Rubik’s Cube, creator), Ernö Duda (SOLVO BioTech, founder), and Gábor Bojár (Graphisoft, founder) to expand my international view of the user experience.

I graduated from University of Washington with a degree in Human Centered Design and Engineering, helped build a resilient product development process at Discuss.io, trained Fortune 500 product teams at VMware Pivotal Labs, and grew a large global design team as the Director of Design at Chipper Cash.

I am now the Head of Design at Stemma (now part of Teradata) - working to develop a user-centered approach to data governance and cataloging.